Two new books arrived;
Save 7the Date (a book on calendar design) and
1000 Artist Journal Pages. Both gorgeous and hugely inspiring.

I am warming up to do some more journal pages. I miss the ol'
Dear Diary days, and I've been thinking how to make time to get started again with something similar. My (work)life was pretty different back then—I had a 9 to 3 job, which gave me plenty of time to do other stuff in the afternoons and on weekends. Now, running my own business, I work way more hours, and differently; with less structure, and weekends often included.
So more structure would be one way to give myself time to art journal. Say, I stopped working Friday at noon, and journalled. Hmm, I wonder if that would work ...
How do you make time on a regular basis to make stuff?

(love all these different expressions. So personal. Yum)


Flora! In fact I learned about Save 7he Date on her blog, since she was featured. I like Floras work very much.