Two new books arrived; Save 7the Date (a book on calendar design) and 1000 Artist Journal Pages. Both gorgeous and hugely inspiring.
I am warming up to do some more journal pages. I miss the ol' Dear Diary days, and I've been thinking how to make time to get started again with something similar. My (work)life was pretty different back then—I had a 9 to 3 job, which gave me plenty of time to do other stuff in the afternoons and on weekends. Now, running my own business, I work way more hours, and differently; with less structure, and weekends often included.
So more structure would be one way to give myself time to art journal. Say, I stopped working Friday at noon, and journalled. Hmm, I wonder if that would work ...
How do you make time on a regular basis to make stuff?
(love all these different expressions. So personal. Yum)
There's Flora! In fact I learned about Save 7he Date on her blog, since she was featured. I like Floras work very much.
Christine: Thanks for posting my book, 1000 Artist Journal Pages! Hope it continues to inspire! Your blog is inspiring to me!
ReplyDeleteI use Remember the Milk ( for my to do lists and I schedule my 'me time' stuff into it as well (like 'Crochet one row of jumper' every Tuesday) just to make sure I do it!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, that is a good question. It is hard to make the time! I work 8 to 5, and it's not before 8 at night that I get time to myself, so I try to squeeze anything creative into a 2 hour window. I have to admit it does not work out all the time. But I am an obsessive list-maker. It happens quite often that during the day I'll have an idea, so if I do not write it down's gone.
ReplyDeleteI really hope that one day I will have the luxury of a flexible schedule, I hate being stuck in the "rat race".
These photos are really inspiring, I especially like the calendars...
seriously. who has that much time to spend on a journal page! i envy those people.
ReplyDeleteHi sweet to make is difficult isn't it...and when little people are part of your is ever a challenge...but the midnight hour works best for me...those weee hours when the world is quiet and I can breathe all by myself with my creativity. Love these books...shall have to seek them out! Happy weekend my far away friend...xoxo Eden
ReplyDeleteThey look like absolutely beautiful books ... I love how we can be inspired by the wonderful talent and creative inspiration of others.
ReplyDeleteI don't tend to make time to 'make' ... I think I'm a little too unstructured when it comes to my creative time ... and so because of that, I don't devote as much time to it as I should.
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
This is the magical question: how to make time for art while going about our regular days? I'm not sure how to answer that one. I'm a mother of 5 yr old twins, a graduate student and I just started back to full time teaching this fall. What I have found is an altered book that I started painting in a little when I could. There's no rules, it has no theme, and I when I have a bit of time I paint, doodle, collage, or draw.
ReplyDeleteright now i am scattered, but i trust it, and know there is a huge thought web weaving behind me mind that will spill or appear.
ReplyDeleteand i hope u are cooking something divine. We had tornados go through all day yest, and i worried for nothing and now i am enjoying me and all etc... xo
those journal pages are amazing. thank you for the book recos and eye candy :)