So. »Did you feeeel like the Aubergine?
»... no
»Have you
ever ... felt! ... like one
... »uhmn ... sorry whatwas the question again?
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I like talk radio. Today there was a program about a mental institution in Denmark, with stories of both the buildings and its inhabitants from 1915 to today. An architect spoke for preservation of the area, and former caretakers, doctors and scientists were interviewed, and they spoke of the place and the residents with so much warmth and love, a sense of understanding and down-to-earth compassion. It was an interesting, unsentimental picture of a world I am in very limited contact with. Talk radio does that—open my eyes to worlds I know little or nothing of.
There was a little story-in-the-story about a painter, a schizophrenic, who lived at the institution decades ago, and a historian spoke of the views on artists in those days; the connection—or fine line—that was said to be between crazy and genius. He spoke of flow, of that complete devotion to the moment it was, when these "crazy" artists lost themselves in the artistic process, completely unaware of the world around them ...
okay ... show of hands, now—
how many here have tried that ...???
(I know I have :-)Crazy.
The other day I was tagged by
Mansuetude (thank you:) for a special line, or words that ring important inside. A mere matter of hours before I read the tag, I'd heard Kirtana's
Train Song, about knowing ourselves from the thoughts we think we are. I find it profoundly beautiful.
»Just because the tracks are laid...or just because your ticket's paid for...and some crazed conductorkeeps on calling out your name,you don't need to board the train.Trains of thought will come and go,but you are not your thoughts, you know—so why get all caught up in where they lead?You are who these thoughtsare passing through Complete lyrics
I, too, find it difficult to pass on awards—to mention some and not others seem so unfair. I follow so many, discover new ones - and you should all get awards. So there'ya go. Please take it ... go-on. And with it, wishes for the best weekend :-))
listen (you may close your eyes—it is such a sweet version)
look (and don't miss »the mutations«)
breathe (via
Happy weekend:)