Allowing myself little break from otherwise worky Sunday. Next week will be as busy as the two just passed, so I'm trying to get a little bit ahead (I'm starting to sound like a broken record here ;-)
A bit of overload + spending time in the spring-to-come-first-sunshine without the proper overclothes has made me catch a cold (allthough I can't for the life of me understand why I would want to do that. Catch it, I mean). In Danish one "gets cold" (like in gets sick/bliver forkølet), but in English one
catches a cold? I imagine how "Cold" or "Flu" are throwing stuff at people, and some are stupid enough to raise their arms and catch it. In this case me! (Maybe you should go lay down now. Rambling woman you).

Okay. But before I do; sneak preview of my time with 下田直子のビーズ編み—きらきら光るビーズは私のスペシャル. (Huh??). Nope! I don't understand either. But
I bought the book, and did the chart. And it looks like the one in the book!!! (or close enough). Imagine my pep!
Now I
could let off that this (picture) was my first try. That I simply opened the book, and first time 'round crocheted this. But that wouldn't be telling the truth. Truth is, I looked at the chart, at the pictures, at the chart, made a sample (total disaster), different yarn; looked at the pictures, more samples (more disaster), new yarn, different beads. And finally got the chart's ±'s and X's and O's.
grrl+dog made fabby
paper marche dog Candy (pls scroll down a bit to see)
Dreaming of summer yet? Try listening to
Sonia Levy's birdies on Cornwell meadow :-) (via
The granola:
rolled oats (more)
rolled buckwheat (less)
sesame seeds
sunflower seeds
chopped almonds
chopped hazelnuts
In large pan, pour 2-3 tblsp rape oil + 1 tblsp honey. Place in warm oven (200°C/400°F) a minute until honey has melted. Stir in the granola, and mix well. Bake until golden, stir a few times to make sure it's all crisp.
Spread on baking sheet, and let cool completely. Store in air tight container.