Just returned from an absolutely amazing trip to New York. I possibly don't even have to say this - but it was grrreat! (Thanks, Tony)
You are likely to see a couple of NY-pictures here over the next couple of days, I took over 1,200 of them :-)
Oh well, home is nice also, I'm completely jetlagged, and there is (still) travel-clothes scattered all over the place. Sleep? Work? Wash clothes? Whattodo-whattodo...? I know: Blog!
Maybe a little NY-interview would fit in here...?
- »So, Christine, what would you say was the best experience you had during your stay i New York City?«
- »Well, Janett, it's hard to say, really, there were so many great moments, but pushed to pick one, I'd say the day we detoured down Fulton Street to see if we could get underneath Brooklyn Bridge. We could, and it was beautiful« I also had my very first donut (ever!) here, which is also worth a mention«
»Oh wait! It was the trip to Purl Soho ... No-no, Museum of Natural History. No! Guggenheim. Central Park! That night we met friends and had pizza!!
... I give up. It was all so awesome.«
(and Janett has left)
Tina posted a new recipe at Clemmensen & Brok.
See you soon :)