If anything, a holiday — taking time off — can reveal true meaning of presence, no? Should call it taking time on, really, rather than off, come to think about it :) Not necessarily in the sense of being availible 24-7 to everyone who tab your shoulder — but availible to oneself. Availible to the present moment. Of Being. Here. Now.
Certainly this is not news. Or invented by me. Not at all. It was a gift
(»will you accept it?«)
(»i believe i will. thank you :) can i do something for you? in return?«)
(» :·) ...)
I'd forgotten, during a very busy Spring. I'm reminded. Thanks :)
I am fortunate to have these two cards being published as
Go-Cards, the pink one can be found (and picked up :·) at Danish cafés for a week starting tomorrow. (The blue one went public during holiday time :)
Would you like a postcard set? I will send a set of ten cards (five pink, five blue) to the first five people who leave a comment to this post :-)