Saturday, May 19, 2012

Here I Am (relaxed)

I have a really wonderful friend whom I speak with almost daily. She's an incredibly wise person, warm, and we laugh a lot. And talk shop too. Two weeks ago I was looking into a couple of weeks of workload of considerable proportion, she said to me: »Think of it as a business trip«, and I did.

We've been joking about it many times during my »absence«, and Wednesday, when I sat on the airplane (aka my bike) going home from work having met all my deadlines, she said to me that it was okay for me to relax now ...

It has taken me a couple of days to land (I'll stop with the figurative speak now ;o), but I believe I'm there now. Aaahh ... my yarn, my couch'n blankie and a cuppa tea. That's quite enough for today.

I hope you are enjoying Saturday too :)


  1. Afslappet og dejlig lørdag til dig, tror vi skal drikke kaffe snart. Stort knus

  2. That's a great way if looking at things, you have a very wise friend. Cozy nook you got there!

  3. Sikken en fin måde at se tingene på.
    Måske skulle jeg også gøre det, nu hvor jeg har meget travlt med eksamener...
    Jeg håber, du får slappet godt af og hygget dig. :-)

  4. Jeg bliver helt rørt over jeres venskab. Meget fint, lader det til!

    Og tusind tak for din skønne hilsen hos mig, for snart længe siden. Ikke destro mindre gjorde den mig meget glad. For du ved det ikke, men din blog var faktisk en stor inspirationskilde for mig til at starte...

