Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More work. More progress ...

These photos are a little sneak-peak from an article I am working on for Danish lifestyle magazine Isabellas. The whole article will be featured in an issue later this Summer :-)
I've also been playing with some video how-to for this project. Can't wait to share :-)
the text reads: »Thanks! I'm doing just fine.« 


  1. magnificent jumble of materials...I adore your choice of fun images, color & texture.

  2. Like the look of those cows legs in that last shot. Such a delicious colour. Here's to more work. Here is to making progress.

  3. Skønne billeder!
    Og det lyder alt sammen meget spændende - især det med de der videoer. :-)

    1. Tak :-) Ja, det med videoen var en vældig skæg udfordring. Totalt raw! Ikke noget med professionel kameraføring her :-D

  4. Hej..
    Jeg er blevet helt forelsket i et af dine postkort fra go-card, som jeg er dekoreret, så jeg måtte lige forbi og se nogle flere af dine illustrationer. Hvor er det bare skønne ting du laver!

    Hvis du har lyst til at se, hvad jeg gjorde ved dit postkort kan du kigge her:

    1. Tusind tak, Cille :-)
      Jeg sender! Og tak for brug af mine kort - superfed ide med broderet kant!

  5. hello wonderful

    looks like a fascinating project. love the image of the rubber stamps. whats this about video, too? you are very busy.

    summer is almost here, have a lovely day

  6. Christine...
    i have taken your Scraps
    book off the shelf again...
    and i am looking again
    at each page and how you
    do these marvelous creations
    which i love so much...
    even though it all overwhelms
    me...i am going to start
    i guess i would say my first
    attempt at some kind of wonderful
    collage...i scrolled through your
    blog and sighed again at everything
    which is so special and beautiful...
    Scraps really is a pretty, pretty
    piece of in touch soon
    blessings my far away friend...
