Sunday, February 15, 2009

Making macarons and asking questions ...

Light as an angels' breath, these sweet little treats. With a little inspiration originally from La Durée, and fellow bloggers Cannelle and UseRealButter, I added some, took some out and ended up with my own. ( I let them sit too long in the oven, though, so they got a slight tan from the oven heat + the batter was aliiittle too thick—but other than that ... ;-) I will know this till next batch (and there will be a next batch. And a next. And a next :-)

I have a question today: Can you take the chance of a lifetime, and still play it safe ...?


  1. what a hard question... I don't know... yes, probably...

  2. Yes, I'd say you can...

    I am sure to be pondering this for the rest of the eve.

  3. Vad ska jag svara...det beror ju på vad det gä man måste ju våga satsa - vad blir det annars för liv?

    Och dessa små kakor, utsökta, har du tänkt på att man kan färga nötmarängen? grön med pistage fyllning, gul med vanilj, röd med hallon - snyggt och gott!

  4. Hm yeah, I guess you can. If you know that they outcome will be good even if you doesn't succeed?. Does that make sense?

    I believe in ALWAYS taking chances!

    great blog btw :D

  5. mmmm I think yes, you can...a difficult question indeed

  6. I think THAT is life.
    not the safety part of it...

  7. they really look good.
    ?? Want to play it safe? I`d say surprises are pepper.

  8. Oh Ladurée makes fab macarons. I was addicted to them when I was living in Paris.

  9. yes
    but are you cheating yourself?

    I am not back yet, but saying hello to you. xoxo
