Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My heart beats in the desert

Just returned from another week in the Sinai Desert. We stayed at Rock Sea, a camp hosted by Ricarda and Michael; the sweetest, most inspiring couple. An awesome week, with great company, snorkeling, yoga, laughing and star-gazing. And mountains. Oh boy, the mountains!
We drove up there again one afternoon, to sit in silence and watch the sun set. A part of me live in those mountains, and they live in me.
Thank you Christin, and all the sweet people I met and talked with last week. Thank you Sinai, with your own perception of time, your dust and warmth, and your kind bedouin people.

more photos tomorrow ...


  1. Avra, det ser himmelsk ud!
    Glæder mig til at se flere billeder.

  2. Det er et skønt sted! En sand perle :-)
