Dear Diary,
Are you well? Feeling a bit overlooked, perhaps? I wouldn't blame you ...
It has been a while since my last Diary-post. It puzzles me. I l♥ve making them, and feel so inspired when I see Genines calendar pages. Or Anahatas journal pages. I really don't know why I don't make them more often. I have considered if I should decrease my number of creative activities :-) Perhaps go ALL journal-paging! ... Naahh --- I don't think I could. Oh well -- shouldn't try to figure this out so close to a holiday. Perhaps everything with be clear as morning dew once I am well rested.
I made two pages this time - will share the other soon, along with strawberries and rasberries :-)
Meanwhile, I recommend test: What Type Are You? (I was Cooper Black Italic ;-)
via Periwinklebloom (found via SmallMagazine, which I absolutely love. New issue is out now).
Take care. See you soon :-)
i LOVE this spread. everything about it, the background colour, the line drawn chair... wonderful!