Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last - not least - from Paris

Congratulations, Noma, for being awarded The Best Restaurant in the World :-)
I never had the pleasure of dining there, I think of all the lucky ones who have, who, I bet, can taste their experience right now :-) Yum!

On a slightly different note, please visit Julia Humpfer.
Did you know Camilla Engman is doing a workshop?
Dottie Angel too!


  1. ohh Christine, it all looks so delicious!

  2. Not only did you make me hungry, you provided me with some incredible eye candy. My kind of coffee, too (French Roast, freshly ground, with lots of half and half).

  3. Ihhh glæder mig også til en storby ferie:))
    Og jep det er bare lækkert på Noma.
    Så fine billeder virkelig stemningsfyldte!
