Sunday, September 21, 2008

On my wall

Tagged by FruensWerk (thank you;)
tl: school map , tr: inspiration, bl: misc, br: spots
Rina and Natascha, will you play?

Delicate and tight by Tsilli,
mindblowing animation by Muto,
and light Lumetta.


  1. Thanks Christine! you are so sweet. Of course I will play, I love this tagg, but you have to give me time because I recently moved and I´m in the process of decorating my walls (very funny task by the way)

  2. Det ser så fint ut, lite hemligt och dekorativt på samma gång:)

  3. Elsker de der inspirationsvægge fyldt med alt muligt...
    Og super fedt gammelt flot kort...Tak Christine for kigget...fedt...og knusser

  4. Nice walls!! OK I play!! I'll try to post it tomorrow.

  5. I always liked the idea of hanging a map on my wall... I should reconsider it... :)

  6. I am so behind on blog reading since my mom is here... Wow! They look great! Did you make them by hand?
    Congratulations on your etsy shop. You will do well! :)
    Much love. xo

  7. So great to see what hangs on your walls... looks such an inviting space.
