Friday, June 22, 2012

New stamp

Made this new rubber stamp for mindfulness therapist and yoga teacher Christin Illeborg.

The bird and the clock is an image we have worked with for Christin's profile for a while (you can also see them here in Christin's newsletter). First time it appeared was on a postcard I made for her quite a while ago:

I cannot say enough good things about Christin. She's a fantastic yoga teacher and a warm, wise person.

»That which shape our lives are not circumstances, but how we relate to these circumstances. With this comes great freedom, but also great responsibility. This I happily accept.« – Christin Illeborg

Snug.magnets from Snug Studio. Let's play!


  1. Hvor fint : )
    Du har vel ikke selv skåret i viskelæderet ; ) ?

    1. Nej - dog ikke ;o) Det er blevet til med en eps-fil og en professionel gummistempel-mager

  2. Hvor ER det bare superfint, det stempel!! Hvad hedder monstro den der professionelle gummistempelmager?
