Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do you feel lucky, punk??!!

I do. I feel very very very lucky.
My friend brought me rhubarb yesterday (before our walk). And a recipe.
Yum! So good.

And the earrings! Yes. Here they are. I really love them.

and this post...


A lot on my mind(heart) indeed. Over the years.
I want to celebrate with a giveaway, and I have gathered emphera for collages, some postcards and likes, and I want to giveaway a couple of our books »Scraps« too.

Because I am forever thankful. For what we do here in blog-world. For being part of this—of sharing and chatting and playing and inspiring, giving and receiving. Makes my heart jump with joy, makes me want to stand on roof-tops screeaaming: I FEEL SO LUUUUUCKYYYYY! I am in constant awe of all the beauty, the wisdom, the sweetness, the presence ...
I could go on, but I think you catch my drift ;-)

So with rhubarb still sweet in my tummy, and a beautiful evening waiting ahead (with infinite possibilities), I bid you

Happy Thursday

and hope to see you Saturday, where I shall launch the giveaway, with pictures, and I think there will be confetti too



  1. Grattis, tänk 500!!!!
    Och jag hoppas på tur:)

  2. Stort tillykke med de 500 indlæg!
    Avra, det lyder som en rigtig lækker giveaway, du har på sinde at udlodde. Den er jeg spændt på at se.

    Ha' det rigtig godt så længe.
    Jeg glæder mig til at se mere nyt fra dig, for jeg kan så godt lide at følge din blog.

  3. Congratulations on the big blogging milestone!! :D
    I bet that rhubarb was delicious (it's one of my favourite things).

  4. A great blogging milestone. I had the same thing happen to my blogger comments, too. Those earrings are adorable. I don't plan to enter your giveaway, since I already won your book, but wanted to stop in and say hello, anyway. Again, I've been so very busy with repairs to my house, which has taken over my life. And of course, I've had no time to make art, or visit many blogs. I do plan to let people know about your giveaway, though. Now if blogger will just behave.
