Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 10th/ The dark tale of The Rose

:)) I don't know how she came to. I like working like this. It isn't a real story though. Feel free to tell me how you think it should go :)


  1. Hi Christine, very nice illustration. I wish I knew the tale though...

  2. Hi Aspa, there isn't any, she sort of emerged:) I corrected the post to prevent further misundestandings;) Thank you

  3. So that's the story's title??
    I like the drawings, and that animal head!

  4. ha! agatha christine, i will call you... writer of murder mystery. :)

    i have a post it on my desk right now. it says, "The stag = Spritual Being" and i wondered this morning why i wrote that. SO NOW I KNOW> :)

    what will she "kill" ? LOve the truck!

  5. Hmmm.. whatever it is, it looks dark and mysterious...

  6. How about,
    Rose, the mysterious buck-horned mistress roams the streets of London. The scandalous predator leaves a trail of murder and lies behind her, a staggering witness of heart-trodden men and misled women.
