Saturday, May 10, 2008

Childhood on a string

I found a pile of hønseringe at today's local fleemarked. Did you have these when you were a child? What did you call them?
We collected and swapped them. The S'es, C's and 8's were among the most common – I had completely forgotten about the skeletons, the locks, the owls and the keys. How I loved them.
I have an idea for an illustration with them, and some might also make a nice pair of earrings. Or maybe one of you guys would be up for a swap ;-)
Hard afternoon light and shadow on the balcony.


  1. Ooh, it seems that the sun finally remembered to visit this poor old Europe. In England is lovely weather too.

  2. Jeg kaldte dem hønseringe...HAHAHAHA...hihi
    Ved også jeg har en pose et sted i gemmerne...Mindes også jeg var ret vild med dem...og stadig syntes de er en ret hyggelig ting...Glæder mig til at se hvad du skal bruge dem til ud over at "HØNSE"...:D

  3. really love your title "Childhood on a string" < >

    its like the string is synaptic memory learning the letters which code memory and we learn the letters and string them at childhood.

    I never saw these before.
    thanks. :)

  4. Oh I remember those chain necklaces...they were awesome. You could here me from a mile away because mine was always so clunky. They went well with the jelly shoes and the jelly bracelets.
    oh, childhood.

    (nice looking plants by the way!)

  5. oh i have never seen those ! i would love to play (yes still now !) with them, it looks so great :D

  6. Hønseringe. I found a box in my basement recently. Lots of C´s, S´s H´s and the odd Owl´s Pretzel´s. Took them outside my rowhouse, where the little children play (Koreans, Russians, Ukranian´s, Columbia, Danish (me at 62) and other nationalities. Now they want to play with their own, rather than borrowing mine. Right now I am searching Danish sites for HØNSERINGE, to be sent to Vancouver Canada.
    Greetings Karin Brandt Koch
