Monday, April 18, 2011

Arty Friday

Thank you for your views and thoughts on how to make more time for creativeness. It was very inspiring to read. I haven't yet figured out how to bend it, but I believe it calls for some re-arranging. Somehow.

On another arty note, a friend & I went to Arken (Danish modern art museum) Friday, and saw Olafur Eliassons light installation Your Blind Passenger; a 90 meter long foggy tunnel, with changing light. An amazing experience.

You can read more about the exhibition and see a little film of the making of the tunnel+interview with the artist here, if you like.

I took these pictures (above) inside the tunnel. Of course they do the installation no justice, but perhaps gives an idea.
Pretty cool.

I hope your weekend was great :-)

Olafur Eliasson


  1. Oh I just love the second photo, so amazingly beautiful and subtile! A very cool project!
